Update Feb 2019

I am rejoicing in the Lord with the new souls being added to the Kingdom of the Lord. Our team of evangelists had baptized the Naga Bhuddists in Naga Hills of Sakaing Division of Myanmar. This is located in the western side of Myanmar bordering with Naga Land of eastern India. The Naga people are scatter in the Western Side of Myanmar. They live very high on the mountain. Each village have each own dialect of language. Our evangelists Philips Piam and his team has worked with Naga Buddhist for a while and brother Joseph Gwa also took the team to visit in the area last year during the school break. As the result a strong Buddhist Naga accepted the Lord.
I will be speaking at Lisu Bible Institute from Feb 19-21, 2019. Please pray for wisdom from God so that I will share His words according to His will.
Pray for the Kids as some are taking their final exam and some are preparing for the exam.
Pray for also for the financial support for the trips during the school break. There is many Bible school that we need to go to Joseph and the team going to Naga Hills. I am planing to go to Golden Triangle. To help churches live and work among the people who are under the influence of Narcotic. As it has been know well for drugs and dark business. God’s people need to be encourage with His love and His way of life and making the living. Free from drugs and free from sin. We need $1500.00 for the trips. Please pray also for a new washing machine for Leah. Leah has been using manual washer in the last two years. all our washing machines have been out of date. no part available. They no longer produce the kind that we have. It cost $1250.00 for a heavy duty washing machine.
With much love and respect,
Ahtapa And Leah